Historic Ranch is a Time Capsule
The Schatz Family Ranch hasn’t changed much since homesteading on the Mullan Pass Road in 1865. Located just west of the Continental Divide, the ranch is a time capsule of working lands and undulating meadows framed by forested hillsides. When the irises bloom in the spring, it’s an unforgettable sight. “We just want to share this beautiful place, and we want to make sure it stays this way forever,” said fifth-generation rancher Ron Schatz.
Working Lands Welcome Wildlife and Hunters
The ranch is located along an important wildlife corridor teeming with elk and numerous other critical species. Native trout inhabit the clear waters of Dog Creek and Uncle George Creek which feed into the Little Blackfoot River and then the Clark Fork River. Ron and Vonne Schatz continue to work the ranch and share it with wildlife and hunters. This project was supported by the Montana Fish & Wildlife Conservation Trust, the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, the Charlotte Y. Martin Foundation, The Cinnabar Foundation, and the Vital Ground Foundation.