Creek Restorations Bring People and Wildlife Together

Sevenmile Creek

Chances are you know a healthy creek when you see one. It meanders through a floodplain, curving back and forth like it has all the time in the world. The banks that guide the creek are crowded with willows. During spring run-off, those willows help to absorb the water’s energy and protect the banks from […]

Ranching, Wildlife, and National Security in the Elkhorn Foothills

Martinka - elk parks prickly pair land trust

Prickly Pear Land Trust recently completed a fifth conservation project in Broadwater County that protects ranching, wildlife, and national security. Four prior conservation easements in the county protected the critical shorelines of Crow Creek, Deep Creek, and the Missouri River. They included a healthy portion of cropland plus mallard, moose, wigeon, and whitetail habitat. Our […]